The Diet Solution Program
Rating: 1 vote(s) Average rating: 3.0
Abstract: A complete and comprehensive weight loss program, constructed by a certified nutritionist and exercise specialist. It is not a starvation or a crash diet: instead of eliminating all ‘tasty’ food, it constructs a balanced diet.

The Diet Solution Program promises a complete and comprehensive weight loss program, with a goal that incorporates weight loss, increased energy, health and vitality. Although the program promises to show results from the first week, it is not a starvation diet or a crash diet, or a boring food routine diet, but a program that will enable you to stick to it easily. The program started at 2008 by Isabel De Los Rios, a certified nutritionist and exercise specialist, who owns a center for fitness and nutrition in New Jersey. She displays her own ‘before and after’ photos as a personal success example.
According to this site, there are three basic principles you need to know:
  1. Know the exact foods that cause accelerated fat burning in your body 
  2. Know the foods that are preventing fat burning 
  3. Know how to combine the foods to create a fat burning effect.
For example, there are foods that are considered healthy, but are actually full of sugar which will enter your system, and as you probably know, will make you gain weight. Furthermore, there are carbs you need for your body to function properly, but some you really don’t need. In their introductory video some specific example are displayed.
The site also offers recipes, and some interesting articles, such as 'how to eat great and lose weight', I need to lose weight – how resistance training can help, How to lose belly fat in 4 simple steps, and more.

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Keywords: Diets, Weight Loss, Fat Loss, Shape, Health

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