Rating: 2 vote(s)
A guide to the use of practical magic in every aspect of human life. Don't think that it's not for you, it can be used by anyone and learnt quickly. It may be the key for that ultimate success you've been seeking.

Many practitioners of magic want to make you believe that magic is an art that can be used only by a talented chosen few. The book of "
Magic Power" will show you that magic is much more than that. Magic can be learnt and practices by any, ordinary person, the mystical new linkmyth of magicians is designed to manipulate people into being dependent upon so called professionals. Now, you can learn yourself the powers of true magic. Not witchcraft and other mystical concepts but true powers that will give you control over forces of the universe, dominating and controlling your environment and become successful in all your endeavors. Gain complete mastery of your destiny by learning the knowledge that magicians and other mystics work so hard to conceal. The guide provided, will closely guide you through the essential and fundamental concepts of magic. Afterwards you can continue and pursue different aspects of the practice of magic including: Personal magnetism, love and sex magic, business and wealth, magic for health and much more. Don’t believe those who say magic is for the specially gifted or the abnormal. Magic can be used by anyone to change their life around to live an exciting and fulfilling life.
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