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Access Akashic Records, metaphysical chronicles of everything that has happened in the past and everything that will happen in the future.

Position yourself in the magnificent seat that allows you to have a comprehensive, metaphysical insight into the past and the future. This is possible and within your grasp with the hypnotic reading of
Akashic records. The knowledge you acquire will bring the reality of your life to a whole new level of spiritual understanding of the universe, which of course will enable you to control your destiny and fulfill your ambitions in ways beyond your wildest dreams. The
Akashik Records store within them every word spoke and every physical action of any living being ever. Through hypnotherapy, guided by world famous master hypnotist Steve G. Jones, you will get a comprehensive glance into this infinite source of knowledge. Your understanding of the past is the key to understanding the future and to fully manifesting yourself in the universe. You will be able to prevent damaging forces from hindering you and preventing the fulfillment of your aspirations, eliminate distracting forces in your life, and stay on track with your true destiny that stems from the past, through the present and into the future.
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