The good news of new beginnings
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Acquire the needed skills in order to bring others closer to Christianity with Peter J. Coburn's guide, “The good news of new beginnings”, and start spreading God’s word!

Have you ever wished you could teach others around you about Christianity? Do you want to bring your friends closer to Jesus but just don’t have the proper tools? “
The good news of new beginnings” by Peter J. Coburn can provide you with the needed knowledge and skills in order to disciple new believers. Most churches do not have a formal discipleship training program, making it hard on people who wish to acquire the proper tools so that they can bring others closer to Christianity. This effective new guide can give you the possibility to explore the basics of the Christian faith, it is written in a fairly simple language making it easy to comprehend. It contains important information about Christianity such as:
- What is the meaning of salvation?
- The meaning of the Christ’s lordship?
- The meaning of repentance.
- Baptism.
- The bible and its relation to God.
- Prayer.
- The continuation of the Christian journey.
This is your opportunity to obtain the skills needed in order to become a change your life and bring the people that surround you closer to Christianity.
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