Super Charge Your Sermons
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Sherman Haywood Cox II reveals effective preaching tools to those looking to boost their Sunday Sermons. Super Charge Your Sermons provides effective preaching tips from the Black preaching tradition for preachers from all ethnic backgrounds.

Your role as a preacher to your congregation is essential. Your people faithfully arrive Sunday morning to hear your interpretation of the word of God. They trust you to guide them in their lives and their spirituality. Your heart might be in the right place, but the words might come out wrong. If you have not read
Super Charge Your Sermons, then you're missing out on very effective preaching skills. Sherman Haywood Cox II has been a preacher in the African American church for over 20 years and has assembled all his knowledge in order to get your sermons back on track. You don't have to be African American to implement the Black preaching tradition; you only have to be open to embracing the benefits of this preaching style for the betterment of your congregation. Traditional sermons have the tendency to teach what the bible has said, but not what it is saying. With the help of Sherman Haywood Cox and his years of experience, you can learn to how to capture your audience and send to them revelations in a modern day context. In doing so, you're effectively helping the faithful to help themselves to become aware of how their behavior is seen through the eyes of God. In this step-by-step guidebook to preaching, you'll be provided with skills to inspire you in creating a personalized, clear, and structured outline of the Biblical text. Take advantage of
Super Charge Your Sermons and get started in creating vivid and emotionally compelling sermons that will leave your church goers lifted up by the unadulterated truth that is the gospel.
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