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An audio program illustrating the secret world of covert hypnosis. This persuasion tool is so powerful no one will even know you’re using it.

You’ve heard about hypnosis and now you’re about to hear about of covert hypnosis. Created by Dr. Milton H. Erickson, MD, Ph.D and perfected by Igor Ledochowski, this hypnotic technique has been under wraps for years, but today, finally, it’s available to you. The covert hypnosis method is so discreet it’s designed to work at the unconscious level, leaving the other person none the wiser. Through
The Power of Conversational Hypnosis, you will be exposed to the most sure fire way to convince anyone of anything. This step by step guide audio guide will break down the in and out’s of covert hypnosis in an easy to understand way. First, you will learn how to command someone’s attention. This is the most essential step to any kind of hypnosis and there are very specific ways to do so effectively. Next, you’ll go on to learn how to read people’s most inner thoughts. This will help you draw in the other person and make them feel comfortable. Once you’ve learn to capture them, you can then begin to set the hypnotic trance. This is the secret ingredient into tapping into their unconscious mind. From here on out, you’ll be able to seed ideas, get people to obey you, get people to agree with you and even adore and do so all in a few moments conversation. In addition to all these fantastic tools, you’ll also be informed of essential hypnotic defense techniques Remember, covert hypnosis is so powerful, you might not even notice it working on you! Today you have the chance at life you’ve always deserved. Just imagine, through the The Power of Conversation Hypnosis, you can create the reality
you want!
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