Rating: 2 vote(s)
Master hypnotist, Jeffrey Stephans will teach you to hypnotize just about anyone, easily and immediately. Learn these life changing tools from the best in the field.

If you're looking to seriously endeavor in to the
world of hypnosis, and learn unique techniques that will allow you in a short time to become an amazingly effective hypnotist, Jeffrey Stephens is the man you're looking for. Jeffrey Stephens, a world leading Master Hypnotist has designed a revolutionary
hypnosis course that will teach you real, effective mastery of this art within a shorter time than you have ever imagined. Achieving full control over thoughts and actions of yourself and others is possible and around the corner. Even experienced hypnotists will learn a great deal from the innovative methods in which one can change his life and the lives of people around him within minutes. Instant induction, and rapid changework are the keys for effective results with hypnosis, and you will learn to use these techniques within no time. The hypnosis taught is designed for self improvement and therapy as well as using hypnosis in social interaction by gaining dominating control over your surroundings. The course is comprised of ten sessions and follows thoroughly covers all the techniques and possible uses of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. This knowledge will no doubt change your life forever.
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