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Practices and believes of the freemasons brotherhood revealed in a 223 pages e-book. Learn about the secret brotherhood that has kept its secrets well hidden for many years.

Ancient secrets of the
freemasons revealed in a fascinating e-book. All the secrets you ever wanted to know about the
freemasons are revealed on 223 pages. Who are the
freemasons and what are their practices? This question remained unanswered for many years because of the secrecy often attributed to the freemasons. Every first degree freemason swears an oath of secrecy which prevents him from revealing the rituals and customs of this mysterious brotherhood. This new e-book answers many questions such as: what is a mason lodge? What rituals are taking place within it? Is this secret brotherhood a religion or merely a cult? Is the brotherhood against Christianity or is it a Christian organization? The main source of these secrets was murdered shortly after the publishing of this book, adding further more to the mystery. If you are making some research before becoming a first degree freemason or you are simply intrigued by this fascinating secret brotherhood you can find all the information that you need in this 223 page e-book. Learn the ancient secrets of the mysterious
freemasons brotherhood.
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