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This website offers a guide for who wish to upgrade their bible teaching skills with a well tested methods.

Bible teaching is a skill given to certain people by god, but even this god given precious gift can be further developed and sharpened. There is almost no limit to what can be achieved when a good bible teacher finds the right methods and strategies. The best and most experienced teachers know that they must never stop learning and evolving, they also know that even the best can improve and become even better. The creator of the “
life changing bible teaching method”, Glenn Brook, is a bible teacher himself with an extensive experience of over 35 years. Glenn's method is based on four important elements:
- The quality and content of the lesson
- The preparation of the students.
- The preparation of the teacher.
- Successful teaching methods and strategies.
In conclusion, if you want to become a life altering bible teacher, if you feel you are good but need the little extra push in order to become excellent and if you want to realize your potential to its full extent then try out the book and open up for new ways of teaching.
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