Jesus the Man and His Work
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The truth about Jesus and his life is revealed, based on Wallace D. Wattle's manuscripts.

Jesus Christ is who you think he is, so says Tony Mase's book
"Jesus the man and his work". This book is based on the manuscripts of Wallace D. wattles, a great American author who wrote many great books including the famous bestseller – "The science of getting reach". The main ideas that are shown in "
Jesus the man and his work" suggest that Jesus was not the way he is presented by the church, in fact the book goes further and explains where did the current image of Jesus come into your mind. "
Jesus the man and his work" reveals the true Christian attitude, the attitude adopted by Christ. This truth revealing book is now available online along with other bonuses. Don’t miss your chance to see the true face of Christianity, become a more educated person who knows and understands his religion. The truth was hidden for many years, but now it is here for all to see. Correct the historically wrong contradiction between your natural desires and your religious beliefs. Find out for yourself who Jesus really was and what his true word was. Hard working honest people deserve to know the truth about their savior; don’t miss this opportunity to know history the way it really happened.
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